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We three trees :: October 21, 2004
We three trees    (click for previous picture)
Another shot from a mall parking lot. That is three in a row now.

I wonder if anyone has laid claim to "The guy who takes pictures in parking lots". There is a lot of material, so I suspect I have a ways to go to make that claim, but it would make sense to at least know what my options are...
Processed with Graphics by GIMP
Filed under: Abstract

Today's Historic Toronto photos:

I've geotagged and dated a bunch of historic photos from around Toronto. Click here to see photos from today's date in history.

Or you can also see the set of historic photos by Toronto neighbourhoods here.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License by David Sky, 2004-2024.

This page includes microformat data (This photo We three trees was taken at Mall parking lot in Halifax, Nova Scotia on 2004-08-28 )
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